Lebanon - Playful learning for refugee children

This project aims to increase the supply of and demand for quality play in community-based education programs and at the household and community level in Lebanon, in order to ensure broader understanding and uptake of play as an essential way to support refugee children’s learning, wellbeing and development.

Also, we want to document, measure and compare learning and wellbeing outcomes from children enrolled in classes provided with quality play opportunities with children enrolled in classes not provided with these opportunities. This will help us to scale-up what seems to work in terms of play-based approaches, as well as to advocate for more playful learning environments for refugee and Lebanese children. 

Child beneficiary numbers: 1,000

Age-group: 6 – 12


  • Improved quality of play for children’s holistic learning and wellbeing enabled through play resources, capacity of facilitators, provision of play activities and caregiver’s understandin

  • A stronger movement around play, including organizational learning, impactful engagement of internal and external stakeholders and improved capacity through staff and partner capacity and shared learning